We want you to get the care you deserve.

Who We Are

Located in the heart of everybody’s hometown in Media, Pennsylvania, Ridley Creek Retina is paving the way for premier eye care in the Mainline region. Staffed with the best physicians and experienced team members, RCR is among the leading retina specialists in the greater Philadelphia area. Following in the footsteps of Dr. Stephen Sinclair, Dr. Jason Lange has been entrusted with the care of even the most complex retina patients of Delaware County and beyond.

Dr. Sinclair has since retired and joined his family in Utah, resulting in the closure of Sinclair Retina Associates (SRA). Dr. Jason Lange has been the strong and steady leader steering the course through the COVID-19 crisis. Dr. Lange’s commitment and dedication to Ridley Creek Retina, and the transition of SRA patients, is exhibited by his excellent care and dependability even amidst a global pandemic.

Our Mission

To provide passionate and pristine patient care while preserving what is precious: the gift of sight.

Sight is essential to navigate the world around us. When there’s an issue with your vision, trust Ridley Creek Retina to navigate you through it.

Our care goes beyond the scope of ophthalmology; we are invested not only in your eyesight, but also your overall wellbeing. From your health, to your home life, to your hobbies, we care about every patient, every time.

The same familiar faces that you know and love

Whether a long-time patient of Sinclair Retina Associates or a newly joined member of our practice, here at Ridley Creek Retina we welcome you with warm smiles and exceptional care. RCR is committed to the health and happiness of both our patients and our staff. At RCR, you are guaranteed to be treated like family.

Our Location

Conveniently located on the first floor of the Media Medical Plaza at 200 East State Street, Suite 105 offers both on-site garage and street parking for easy access. ADA accessible entrances are located at the front and rear of the building.